Teams collaborating on Lazul's cognitive assessment platform
Secure Enterprise & DoD Solutions

Real CognitiveInsight.Better Talent.

Lazul's neuroscience-based, gamified assessments measure how individuals, learn, and behave in real time—empowering you to select and retain the best talent with the best data.

Learn How It Works

How It Works


Engaging Modules

Participants complete short, neuroscience-based tasks.


Data Analysis

Our algorithms convert performance into clear cognitive profiles.


Confident Decisions

Use these insights to hire, place, and develop talent more effectively.

Engaging. Objective. Useful.

In under 40 minutes, candidates complete a gamified assessment. You receive clear, actionable insights to improve hiring, placement, and talent development.

Fast & Efficient

Gain quality data in minutes.

Objective & Inclusive

Assess cognitive skill, not background.

Actionable Insights

Use data to align individuals with ideal roles.

Game Module Preview

Our Cognitive Insights

Our assessments highlight cognitive strategies that drive real-world performance. Use these insights to align talent with roles where they can truly excel.

Strategic Sequential Reasoning

Craft multi-step solutions in complex scenarios.

High Proficiency

Adaptive Task Flexibility

Switch focus seamlessly as conditions change.

High Proficiency

Dynamic Learning Strategy

Integrate speed and precision to reach objectives.

High Proficiency

Focused Cognitive Control

Stay clear-headed amid complexity and noise.

High Proficiency

Explore-Exploit Balance

Know when to innovate or rely on proven tactics.

High Proficiency

Intuitive Quantitative Reasoning

Rapidly interpret numbers for decisive action.

High Proficiency

Generative Innovation

Produce fresh ideas under time and pressure.

High Proficiency

Effort-Reward Optimization

Balance energy and payoff for lasting success.

High Proficiency

Reflective Self-Monitoring

Regulate strategies by gauging your own confidence.

High Proficiency

Analytical Reasoning

Break down complexity into clear, logical steps.

High Proficiency

Predictive Social Strategy

Anticipate others' actions to enhance collaboration.

High Proficiency

Build Stronger, More Effective Teams